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Quick Tip for Bloggers while Picking a keyword

😄 Quick Tip for Bloggers 😄 Few Quick Metrics to check while Picking a keyword to work.

Quick Tip for Bloggers
Quick Tip for Bloggers

1. Total searches (Local / Overall)

2. Manual Look on the top 2-3 pages for main keywords

3. Site age of first page results 

4. DA/PA - Just for a quick idea

5. No of referring domains/backlinks

6. Presence of Youtube Video results in SERP

7. Presence of Fb pages, twitter pages, and other such sites ranking

 in SERP

8. Check Post's "Date updated" of 1st to 3rd-page results

9. Number of Double quote results of the main keyword. 

10. Presence of EMDs, PMDs 

11. Presence of multiple ecommerce results. 

12. Difference in Results on .com/.in/ etc
****Tools needed**** 

1. SEO Quake Extension

2. Keywords Everywhere Extension 

3. Moz bar 

4. Ahrefs/ or any good alternative 

5. Whois

So, before picking any keyword, make sure to check these factors.

 And this is what I mean by MANUAL KEYWORD RESEARCH. And

 yes, I may have missed a few metrics.  clip1/01/clip_image002.png:) 

PS: The numbers and details of these metrics may vary  clip1/01/clip_image002.png:)
PPS: Do share it with Name Credits  clip1/01/clip_image003.png;)
Quick Tip for Bloggers while Picking a keyword Quick Tip for Bloggers while Picking a keyword Reviewed by Matt on 12:19 PM Rating: 5

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