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SEO Episode 62: Make Good Featured Image, Font Size and Colour Pattern For Good User Experience and SEO

Make Good Featured Image, Font Size and Colour Pattern For Good User Experience and SEO

SEO Episode 62:

I've seen a lot of people of Pakistani blogs where they write amazing content, fantastic On-Page, marvelous headings, they do everything remarkably, but some things destroy everything that is in terms of SEO is named 'Bad User Experience.

Believe it or not! User experience is a ranking factor in the ranking of Google.
If your font size is small, your featured image looks the image of the year of 2000, and text is somewhat outdated red then you will be killed by Google Uncle really really bad. 😛😛

It's the thing that nobody tells you. Have you noticed?

What should you do then? Just follow:
1. Keep your font size between 14px to 16px.
2. Line Spacing must be 130-150% because mixed lines make reading fast and furious.
3. If you don't know what font to apply visit Propakistani and check. Visit Techradar and check.

How to check?

You can check via inspect element as shown here

4.For God Sake, make good images. If you use a poster for an article, make the poster like Copyblogger. Check the posters of all the articles, you will fall in love for sure. Check at Copy Blogger.

5. If you don't like a poster then use free stock images. I use Pixabay. It's the common way of Propakistani

6. Don't write paragraphs that consist of more than 4 to 5 sentences. Follow Backlinko, how he writes amazingly.
I can write more, people like a short love story nowadays!  clip1/01/clip_image001.png:P
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Ideas By: Muhammad Aamir Mursleen

SEO Episode 62: Make Good Featured Image, Font Size and Colour Pattern For Good User Experience and SEO SEO Episode 62: Make Good Featured Image, Font Size and Colour Pattern For Good User Experience and SEO Reviewed by Matt on 6:59 PM Rating: 5

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